What is the class 10 formula of Trigonometry?

1. if ABC is a right triangle right angled at B and triangle BAC=θ, then with reference to angle θ,we have

Base = AB, Perpendicular = BC and , Hypotenuse = AC


sin θ = Perpendicular / Hypotenuse
cos θ = Base / Hypotenuse
tan θ = Perpendicular / Base
cosec θ = Hypotenuse Perpendicular
sec θ = Hypotenuse Base
cot θ =  Base / Perpendicular

2.We have, 

cosec θ = 1 / sin θ
sec θ = 1 / cos θ
cot θ = 1 / tan θ
tan θ = sin θ / cos θ
cot θcos θ / sin θ

sin2θ + cos2θ = 1
1cos2θ = tan2θ
sec2θ - tan2θ = 1

3. if θ is an acute angle, then

sin (90° - θ) = cos θ
cos(90° - θ) = sin θ
tan (90° - θ) = cot θ
cot(90° - θ) = tan θ
sec (90° - θ) = cosec θ
cosec(90° - θ) = sec θ
