Mars: The red planet with possibility of becoming the second Earth

Mars is the 4th planet from the sun and right next to Earth. Over the years, scientists have been looking for an alternate planetary system to sustain life and provide a second beginning to human race. The red planet with all its mysteries and and currently an uninhabitable atmosphere has been a source of fascination for many. There have been numerous missions and experiments to find ways and areas where some form of life can be sustained. With the advent of projects like SpaceX from Tesla on colonising Mars the process have gained some momentum.

The missions and experiments for the Mars Colonisation:
Over the years, a total of 4 nations have been able to send rockets and robots into the Mars orbit. ESA (European Space Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and Roscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency) and ISRO. Among all these only India has been able to land it's rovers and rockets in first mission.
Mostly these missions have been robotic and no human has ever set its foot on the surface of Mars yet, but efforts are being made and there are plans of sending the first human by 2022. On the other hands Tesla with its SpaceX program is planning to send humans to Mars and colonise it with its renewable source of energy for which millions have people already registered.
In another project.

Discoveries and facts about the Red Planet:
  • The robots and rovers sent over there have detected traces of methane which is a great sign for a life as every living being produces methane.
  • There have been discoveries made over the years suggesting an ice cap laden or buried underneath.
  • Scientists have also discovered lines and patterns on the surface suggesting that water used to be in plenty.
  • The surface gravity of Mars is 38% that of Earth, so if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh only 38 pounds on Mars.
  • The diameter of Mars is about 53% of Earth's, making it the second smallest planet in the solar system.


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