Mars mission 2030 by NASA

Mars mission 2030:

Mars the red planet and our very own planetary neighbor has been subjected to different scientific studies and experiments over the years. The main objective of these missions has been the search of life or entities which can support life on the red planet. Over the years different space agencies like NASA, ISRO, and the Soviet Union have been sending rovers, orbiters and gathering information about the atmosphere and surface of the planet. The Curiosity rover by NASA gathered radiation level data and how efficient it can prove to sustain life on the planet. Another Martian Rover 2020 will gather data on the Martian resources and availability of oxygen as well.

MARS colonization mission 2030:

NASA has been gearing up and planning to land a human on the red planet by 2030. The manned mission by NASA is an elaborate plan to train a set of astronauts and then send them over to the planet. The astronauts will be trained for years on the International Space station mimicking the conditions at Mars. The astronaut will then begin a journey to the red planet which will take around 3 years to complete. During this long period, astronauts will be sealed in a tube structure and trained to survive this long period without causing any serious harm and damage to their body.
Along with NASA some private companies too have joined hands and collaborated with NASA for the Mars mission. One such company is SpaceX. SpaceX is currently working on a technology for reusable rockets, i.e rockets which can take off from a certain point and then land at a different point just like a helicopter and not the usual free fall. The company headed by Elon Musk is also trying to make big spacecraft or rovers which can accommodate hundreds of travelers in one go, just like public transport but for space. So the humankind is trying to colonize Mars and extend its reach in the solar system beyond earth.
